The Fire That Sparked A Movement

In 1988, Yellowstone erupted in flames. 这场灾难为全球重新造林铺平了道路.

NPS/Jeff Henry

It started slowly. 在一个偏远的地方,只有一次雷击,森林每天都在生存.

Then another, and another, and another.


那是1988年6月,黄石公园正经历着后来成为美国 worst fire in the history of the park. 历史上最干燥的夏天为破坏埋下了伏笔——而且很快就会发生, 45 fires were blazing within its borders.

“For much of the summer, 你几乎可以看到烟雾的微粒——天空是如此的黑暗,” said Karen Houser, 她是当时在黄石公园工作的植加拿大28回水节基金会的前雇员.

超过2.5万名消防员被派往灭火. Media coverage was so frenzied 许多公众认为公园已经完全被烧毁了.

到了9月,雨雪扑灭了最后的大火. But the damage left behind was daunting. 大约80万英亩的公园被烧毁,占其土地的三分之一. Across the region, 1.2 million acres had been scorched.

Rising from the ashes

“It wasn't just Yellowstone. It was also the surrounding Yellowstone area. 加拉廷国家森林在公园的北边, and it was heavily affected,” said Brad Brandt, 植加拿大28回水节基金会的高级项目经理.

“基金会里有人想看看我们能不能帮忙筹集资金,让加拿大28回水木重新长到地里. 他们联系了林务局,找到了线索, 我们花了一年半到两年的时间来筹集资金,” he added.


At the time, 为公共植加拿大28回水造林项目提供资金, outside dollars wasn’t very commonplace. 这种工作通常是用森林事务处有限的预算完成的. 该基金会的主要重点是向其成员送加拿大28回水——更多的是居民而不是农村.

The Yellowstone Fires changed all that. 全国各地的支持者纷纷向基金会捐款,他们看到了新闻中令人痛心的报道,觉得有必要提供帮助.

这些捐款随后被送到林务处, 让他们能够在火灾后在加拉廷国家森林中种植他们的第一批新幼苗.

The recovery work began in the spring of 1990, when more than 125,000 white park, Douglas fir, 在森林的烧伤疤痕上种植了黑松. Each seedling was planted by hand.

这种伙伴关系在接下来的十年里一直持续着,直到最后,我.3 million new trees covered the land.

“没有植加拿大28回水节基金会及其成员,我们不可能有今天的种植计划. 这一切都是他们或大或小的贡献促成的. This can’t be overstated,” said Stan Cook, 一位领导加拉廷森林修复工作的护林员, in a previous interview about the project.


180 million trees and counting

Since that first reforestation project, 该基金会继续与林务局合作,资助种植了5000多万棵加拿大28回水. The program has expanded to other entities, like private landowners, state forests, and nature preserves.

It’s expanded into international territory, too. 这是美国以外的第一个重新造林项目.S. 从2008年开始,到今天,新加拿大28回水正在50多个国家种植. 180 million have been planted altogether.

尽管自1990年以来发生了如此多的变化,但西部各州仍然需要我们的援助. 自1988年以来,黄石公园最活跃的火灾年份是2016年. 2020 was the West’s worst wildfire season on record.

“When the Yellowstone fires hit, 这几乎是一个信号,预示着未来30到40年将会发生什么,” said Brandt, 自2008年以来,谁负责管理基金会的再造林计划. “现在西方人不得不忍受一种制度. Fire seasons are longer. They’re more intense. 在预防和管理这些疾病方面投入了更多的资金.”

The West’s urgent need for help, combined with continued momentum to save it, 为什么基金会最近指定它为全球优先地区.

Meanwhile, high above the forest floor, satellite images from NASA 讲述黄石公园非凡的治愈之旅.

Courtesy | NASA


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